Memorandum of Association
1. The name of the association is the Association of International Vascular Surgeons
2. The objects for which the Association is established are to relieve sickness and to preserve, promote and protect health of the public in the world in particular by:
- advancing for the public benefit, the science and art of, and research into the treatment of vascular disorders; and
- promoting all types of research relevant to vascular diseases and the dissemination of the results thereof.
We, the persons whose names and addresses are written below, wish to be formed into an Association under this Memorandum of Association.
Signed this day in Davos, Switzerland on 15th March 2006.
- The members shall be the subscribers to the Memorandum and such other persons, as Council shall admit to membership as a member from time to time.
- Except in respect of the subscribers to the Memorandum, every application for membership shall be in writing, signed by the applicant and supported by a National Representative.
- Council shall admit to membership such persons as it shall think fit
- A member shall cease to be a member:
(a) if by notice in writing the member resigns.
(b) if the member does not attend the annual congress for three consecutive years
- Council may in its discretion appoint any person to be a Patron of the Association (and remove any Patron) on such terms as they shall think fit.
- Council may in its discretion appoint such other persons to hold such honorary offices of the Association (and remove any such honorary officer) on such terms as they shall think fit.
- In each year the Association shall hold an Annual General Meeting during the annual congress.
- Council shall include the members who are National Representatives, who shall not be subject to any maximum. Two thirds of National Representatives present and voting shall form a quorum. A proxy given to the chairman is available if a National Representative is unable to be present at Council
- The first National Representatives and Officers shall be the subscribers to the Memorandum, who shall be deemed to have been appointed under the rules. Future members of the Council shall be appointed as provided in the byelaws.
- The Council shall be chaired by the chairman and comprise:
- Chairman
- President
- President-elect
- National Representatives Council shall propose them for ratification by members at the Annual General Meeting. Council may appoint a National Representative of a country, currently unrepresented on Council, following consultation with members from that country.
- The business of the Association shall be managed by Council who shall meet during the annual congress and may exercise all the powers of the Association.
- Council shall have power from time to time to make such rules and byelaws, as it may deem necessary for the proper conduct and management of the Association and the affairs thereof.
- Council may authorise local organisers to make such subsidiary arrangements as may be necessary to facilitate the organisation of the annual congress in different countries
- Each year, Council shall select three or more National Representatives to serve on a judging panel, which will be chaired by the President, to listen to the Finlandia prize papers and recommend the winner to Council.
- Council may change the byelaws with the support of more than half the National Representatives present and voting, and ratified at an Annual General Meeting
- Council may change the rules with the support of more than two thirds of the National Representatives present and voting, and ratified at an Annual General Meeting
1. Full Membership
This category is for surgeons, anaesthetists, radiologists, physicians and others in independent clinical practice that are substantially involved in the care and treatment of patients suffering from vascular disease. They shall receive notice of and be entitled to attend the annual congress, including the Annual General Meeting, submit an abstract, present a paper and comment.
2. Associate Membership
This category is for committed trainees in the care and treatment of patients suffering from vascular disease. They shall receive notice of and be entitled to attend the annual congress, including the Annual General Meeting, submit an abstract, enter the Finlandia prize competition, present a paper and comment.
3. Application for Membership
The right to propose candidates to Council for membership shall be vested in the National Representatives.
Council shall determine full membership for those with an interest in vascular disease and who are in independent clinical practice. Applications must be supported with the signature of a National Representative.
Council shall determine associate membership for those with an interest in vascular disease. Applications must be supported with the signature of a National Representative.
Members of a nationality not currently represented on the Council may be part of the constituency of the National Representative of another country
4. National Representatives
A National Representative shall:
- attend the annual congress and meetings of the Council
- consult and inform members from his country about the affairs of the Association
- ensure a good attendance of delegates and speakers at the annual congress by:
– publicising annual congresses in his country
– inviting prospective members as guests to the annual congress - volunteer from time to time to act as local organiser of an annual congress
The term of office of a National Representative shall be six years.
At the conclusion of his mandate, a National Representative shall make succession arrangements after:
- consulting the members from his country
- consulting the chairman
- seeking the approval of Council
5. President
The President of the Association shall be a member of the Association who is elected for a one-year, non-renewable term by the Council, of which he shall be a member ex officio. He shall serve on Council as President-elect for one year before taking office as President. He shall deliver a Presidential address, preside at all general meetings of the Association, and shall chair the judging panel for the Finlandia prize.
6. Chairman
The Chairman shall be a member of the Association who is elected by the Council of which he shall be a member ex officio for a five-year non-renewable term. He shall serve as chairman of the Council. The office of the Chairman shall be the address of the Association
7. Local Organiser
The Local Organiser for each year shall be a National Representative who is elected by Council to organise the annual congress
8. Annual Congress
For each year, Council shall determine the arrangements for the annual congress of the Association. The congress will include a scientific meeting, a Presidential address, a competition amongst trainees for the Finlandia prize and a business meeting open to all members, which shall be the Annual General Meeting.
9. Finlandia Prize
Council awards the Finlandia prize for the best paper presented by a trainee. The presenter shall have done the majority of the work. Case reports are ineligible, and the work must not have been published. Ilkka Toivio, a vascular surgeon from Finland, founded the prize in 1986