AGM 2007
Annual General Meeting
Hotel Momboso, Gressoney La Trinity, Italy
Saturday, 17th March 2007 at 8.40 am
M I N U T E S1. The President, Vaughan Ruckley, welcomed Vascular Specialists and National Representatives to the annual general meeting. He thanked the local organiser for the excellent arrangements in Gressoney. Helge Fasting had been ably supported by Ulla, his family, his secretary Louise and by Jesper Laustsen. The President acknowledged with gratitude the long service of the retiring national representatives and introduced the new national representatives as follows:
Sweden: Hakan Pärsson, to succeed Rabbe Takolander
Netherlands: Olivier Koning, to succeed Coks Bosman
2. Next year’s local organiser, Mehmet Kurtoglu, assisted by Drs Fazan Numan and Jacques Bleyn, reported on arrangements for the meeting in Chamonix from 9 – 16 March 2008. Details are on next year’s congress website at www.aivs2008.com
3. For the meeting in two year’s time, Mark Adelman described proposals for Jackson Hole, Wyoming in the United States. John Wolfe made a plea for efforts to contain costs to enable young surgeons to attend.
4. Helge Fasting presented draft accounts for the Gressoney meeting.
5. Peter Jeffery reported that he will email those attending with a view to incorporating their membership information on the AIVS membership database.
6. The chairman, Roger Baird, reported as follows:
- The 2010 meeting at Obertauern, near Salzburg in Austria will be organised by Thomas Schmitz-Rixen, supported by Thomas Hazenbein.
- Andrew McIrvine has, together with our South African partner, George Dempster, secured a permanent website for the association at www.aivscongress.com
- The stock of AIVS ties had become exhausted. Juan Guilleuma asked for the replacement supplies to include a foulard for ladies.
7. Vaughan Ruckley announced that Council had appointed Helge Fasting to be the President for 2009. He handed over the Presidency for 2008 to Wolfgang Kessler, who thanked Vaughan for all he had done during his Presidential year.
8. Any other business:
- Peter Jeffery and Simon Parvin will contact members to set up a rare diseases registry to collect examples of vascular cystic adventitial disease, based on an encouraging response to one of the papers presented at the meeting.
9. Date of next Annual General Meeting is 15 March 2008 in Chamonix