AGM 2006
Hotel Belvédère, Davos, Switzerland
Friday, 17th March 2006
- The President, Peter Jeffery, welcomed 63 Vascular Specialists and 17 National Representatives to the meeting, and thanked the Local Organiser, Wolfgang Kessler for the excellent arrangements in Davos
- On 15 March, National Representatives had signed a Memorandum of Agreement to establish AIVS as an Association, and on 16 March had adopted Rules and Bylaws
- The subscribers to the Memorandum of Association and those from whom application forms had been received and signed by National Representatives had been admitted with founder status as members and associate members. Members enthusiastically endorsed Council’s proposal of Wolfgang Kessler as President-elect for 2008
- Council’s appointments of existing AIVS Officers and National Representatives to posts with similar responsibilities in the new Association were ratified by members
- Next Year’s local organiser, Helge Fasting, reported on arrangements for the meeting in Gressoney form 11-18 March 2007
- The Chairman, Roger Baird, reported that Peter Jeffery will incorporate the membership information received on a database, and encouraged each member to send changes in his particulars to his National Representative and to Peter Jeffery
- Peter Jeffery handed over the Presidency to Vaughan Ruckley, who thanked Peter for all he had done to help develop the Association
- Date of next Annual General Meeting – 17 March 2007 in Gressoney