AGM 2008
Annual General Meeting
Club Mediteranée, Chamonix, France
Saturday, 15th March 2008MINUTES
- The President, Wolfgang Kessler, welcomed Vascular Specialists and National Representatives to the annual general meeting and introduced the chairman.
- Roger Baird thanked the President for all his work for AIVS as President, National Representative for Switzerland, and Local Organiser of meetings at Zermatt and Davos.
- He thanked Mehmet Kurtoglu, Jacques Bleyn, Farazan Numan, Gokhan Mutlay and the team at FlapTour for the excellent arrangements at Club Med, Chamonix, including AIVS in on-line registration, abstract submission and accommodation booking. Mehmet’s success had been immortalised in song the previous night at the gala dinner.
- He acknowledged with gratitude the long service of retiring national representatives and introduced new national representatives as follows: Australasia: David Lewis in place of the late Nigel Fox Ireland: Mary-Paula Colgan to succeed Greg Shanik Czech Republic: Jan Marušiak as the first representative For Switzerland, Wolfgang Kessler introduced Marcus Furrer to succeed him as National Representative. For Great Britain, Peter Lamont introduced Andrew McIrvine to succeed him as National Representative Discussions were taking place about a Polish National Representative.
- Members stood in respect of Antoni Potemkowski, a longstanding AIVS member, who had died in a traffic accident in Warsaw was reported with regret. Maciej Dryski had delivered an appreciation earlier in the congress.
- The chairman acknowledged the contributions of the following:
Members database, Peter Jeffery: Webmaster and photos.Andrew McIrvine, www.aivscongress.com, George Dempster, AIVS bank account, Wolfgang Kessler, Finlandia prize certificates, Bernard Nachbur, Vascular cyst registrySimon Parvin - Mark Adelman, next year’s local organiser, described arrangements at the Snow King Resort, Jackson Hole, Wyoming in the United States of America, from Saturday 7 – 14th March 2009, when the AIVS President will be Helge Fasting.
- For 2010, Thomas Schmitz-Rixen described proposals for Obertauern, near Salzburg in Austria, when the AIVS President will be Thomas Holzenbein.
- Peter Lamont was introduced as the new AIVS chairman
- Next Annual General Meeting 13 March 2009 in Jackson Hole