Home / AGM 2013

AGM 2013


Association of International Vascular Surgeons

Annual General Meeting

Montana Village Hotel, Tignes, France

Friday 22nd March 2013 at 6.00pm

Chairman: Peter Lamont   President: Juan Guilleuma


  1. 1.      Apologies for Absence and introduction of new National Representatives

Apologies were received from Mary Paula Colgan and Vladimir Sefranek. Anders Albäck from Finland and Ivica Vucimello from Canada were introduced as new National Representatives.

  1. 2.      Minutes of last meeting in Davos 16th March 2012

The minutes were accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

  1. 3.      Matters arising from the minutes

No matters, other than those discussed below, were raised

  1. 4.      Report from the Executive Committee

i)              With much regret, the committee had accepted the proposal from Helge Fasting to stand down as National representative for Denmark. Helge was thanked for his huge contribution to the committee and to AIVS, particularly as a past-President. His replacement will be Jesper Laustsen.

ii)            Armando Manshila had been invited to attend as a possible new National representative for Portugal but was unable to come this year. A new French National Representative would be sought.

iii)          Professor Markus Furrer was elected President for 2015.

iv)            Marcin Geremek and Håkan Pärsson had both been approached to propose venues for 2016 as potential local organiser.

v)              The Chairman, Peter Lamont, had stood down from the Chair after completing his 5 year term of office. Mr Michael Wyatt, UK, had been unanimously elected as the new Chairman.

  1. 5.      Report on Davos Meeting

Markus Furrer reported on the highly successful 2012 meeting in Davos, which attracted 109 delegates and 52 accompanying persons. Markus was congratulated on the success of the meeting, which finished with a modest profit of CHF55.

  1. 6.      Report on 2013 meeting in Tignes

Philippe Gutwirth reported on the current position regarding the meeting in Tignes. All agreed that the meeting had been of a high standard and extremely well organised. Juan Guilleuma (President) thanked Philippe and his team for the success of the meeting.

  1. 7.      Report on next meeting in Kitzbϋhel, Austria, 2014

Andrew McIrvine reported his plans as local organiser for the 2014 meeting in Kitzbϋhel. The venue would be the Hotel Schwartzer Adler, which had very modern rooms available on a half board basis at an approximate cost of €1015 per person. The meeting would run from 8th to 15th March 2014, under the Presidency of Thomas Schmitz-Rixen. Airports at Innsbruck and Munich were close enough to provide access to the area.

  1. 8.      Proposal for future meeting 2015

Maciej Dryjski  reported that he had explored possibilities for the 2015 meeting in the USA. Although Vail had been proposed initially, it appeared to be an expensive resort for a meeting and Sun Valley would be better value. He would also look at Big Sky and come back next year with a firm proposal and costings.

  1. 9.      Annual accounts

The Chairman, Peter Lamont, reported that there had been no income or expenditure on the AIVS account in Liechtenstein, which currently stood at €4154.72 after deduction of bank charges.

  1. 10.   Any other business

No other business was raised, other than to thank Philippe Gutwirth and his team for their wonderful organisation of the meeting and to thank Peter Lamont for his efforts in the Chair, steering AIVS through a difficult period to its current success.

  1. 11.   Date of next meeting –  8th to 15th March 2014, Kitzbϋhel, Austria      